Sunday, March 14, 2010

BriBri Pa Kaneblo is one of the best places to learn about Costa Rican indigenous culture. It is a member of ACTUAR, the Costa Rican Rural Tourism Association. They will soon have cabins so that you can stay overnight. Tomorrow we will tell you about El Descanso, in the village of Térraba, about half an hour west of Salitre and BriBri Pa Kaneblo.They do have cabins.
As with most ACTUAR members, it is best to make reservations in advance, and to go with one of ACTUAR's excellent bilingual guides, so that you can really exchange ideas with the people in the communities you are visiting, if you don't speak Spanish.
I can help you plan an itinerary that includes these memorable experiences of Costa Rican indigenous culture. And because BriBri Pa Kaneblo and El Descanso are owned by their communities, you can be sure that your money goes right to the people.
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1 comment:

Fiona said...

Any latest news on your topic? Maybe you could do a follow-up. Follow the link